Ocean Impact Organisation Post on LinkedIn
Did you know that paint is plastic? That's right, the thing that does such a great job at protecting and decorating the objects in our lives, when mismanaged, ends up ground into microplastics. Eventually finding its way into the ocean 🌊 The culprit is usually traditional surface treatment methods - like sandblasting and water jetting - used to perform maintenance on steel structures and strip the old paint and rust. But there's an innovative solution 💡 Declan Mc Adams from Pinovo joined Tim Silverwood on the Ocean Impact Podcast to chat about how Pinovo is innovating the industry through its clean, closed loop grit blasting technology. Their tools mean that: - Paint microplastics are captured - Grit blasting media can be recycled - 62% reduction in CO2 emissions - Process is quicker and lower cost overall - Much safer working conditions for operators Declan's passion is unmatched, and this episode was definitely one of our favourites. Don't miss EP06 of the Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2021 Series if you're an oceanpreneur, budding impact startup, or just an ocean lover who digs innovation. Get it here: https://bit.ly/3y6LtH5
Everything you always wanted to know about #PaintMicroplasticPollution, but were afraid to ask!7/19/2022
So why was a policeman holding the Pinovo Banner at the #unoceanconference2022 in Lisbon last week?!7/4/2022
January 2025
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