So, what will they be talking about at the UN Plastics Treaty negotiations in Busan next month? The short video below👇 explains it very well! We at Pinovo focus on #Microplastics in general, and #Paint Microplastics in particular, because #PaintIsPlastic. Last year, Nina Jensen wrote an article with us ( about why the proposed UN Plastics Treaty provides a critical opportunity to tackle the important problem of Microplastic Pollution. As we said "Plastic packaging and single-use plastics have gained a place on the agenda at the UN Plastics Treaty negotiations, partly because big retailers and consumer goods companies face customer pressure to act on plastic pollution. The same consumer pressure is not felt by paint, tyre, plastic, chemical and textile producers, whose products cause a large part of microplastic pollution. Therefore, governments and regulators must bring those industries to the UN Plastics Treaty negotiating table to account for their products’ significant negative impact when they end up in the environment. If we don’t deal with microplastics as part of the new global plastics treaty, we will have missed a critical opportunity to tackle this pervasive problem that jeopardizes the health of people and nature alike." So, how's it going? Well, not so great, actually! 😞 At this time, the Chair of the Plastics Treaty negotiations has produced a "non-paper" for INC-5 in Busan that only includes intentional microplastics i.e. a small part of the problem 🤷♂️. More positively, we are seeing Calls to Action from important voices for the Treaty to have provisions for the reduction of production and shedding of Microplastics, given they account for one quarter of all plastic pollution 😲 💪 Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty Policy Brief - 💪 Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate Declaration - 💪 "SuperGroup" of the world's leading Microplastics Scientists, lead by Prof. RICHARD THOMPSON OBE FRS Article - 💪 Zoie Diana, PhD, Prof. Chelsea Rochman, and Nicholas Mallos article - UN plastic pollution treaty must not ignore the scourge of microplastics - . Contact Zoie Diana, PhD for a copy! We must all hope the negotiators at INC-5 in Busan listen to these voices, and do not let this critical opportunity "go a begging"! 🤞 🙏
Cue the drum roll🥁! At our newly expanded workshop in Bergen, we are assembling the latest batch of Pinovo's Clean Blasting PiSys Flex machines.
With our technology, customers get not only these industrial advantages 💪 No need for the expensive scaffolding and sheeting required for the traditional surface treatment methods of open grit blasting, and high pressure water jetting. 💪 You can continue to run other operations beside our equipment when it is operating, and no shut down of activity required. 💪 Because our equipment is #ATEX certified, it can operate in explosive environments. 💪 With our high quality filters, and because we capture all the dust, Pinovo's equipment can also used to remove lead and other toxic paints. 💰 And, Pinovo’s solution is about 33% less expensive than the traditional surface treatment methods for spot blasting. This cost saving can increase to over 60% when our tools are combined with Rope Access. 🌊 On top of all of that, we stop Paint Microplastic Emissions at source, preventing them from entering the Environment, and most often, the Ocean. ♻️ And, because we recycle and reuse the blasting grit at least 20 times, grit usage is up to 80% lower compared to open grit blasting. This means not only significant cost savings for the customer, but also over 60% lower CO2 Emissions thanks to the lower grit usage, transport, collection and disposal. Pinovo - Clean Blasting Technology that Stops Paint Microplastics to Protect Ocean Health |
January 2025
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